Our strategy

Work fields

  1. Immediate and emergency assistance in the areas of food security, nutrition, access to safe water and hygiene training for people affected by a natural disaster or violence.
  2. Inclusion of people with disabilities and older adults in disaster risk reduction.
  3. Assistance to transition and development.
          • Improvement of income levels by supporting and promoting profitable and competitive production and value chains in agriculture.
          • Improvement of infrastructure at community level.
      • Mitigation and adaptation to climate change by introducing and promoting resilience practices in agriculture and forestry.


  1. Distribution of humanitarian goods.
  2. Capacity building and skills development of local civil society organizations
  3. Strengthening of State institutions at the local, regional, national and Central American levels
  4. Awareness raising / sensitization through public relations.
  5. Application of good practices at low cost, through model, replicable and pilot projects.
  6. Evidence-based lobbying to influence change in strategies, programs, plans and policies at local, national and regional levels.

The implementation of the project in each location is carried out through local partner organisations or directly from the ASB structures. The municipalities and the ministries of health, environment and agriculture are actively involved in the implementation at various levels.

At the same time, initiatives are continually being introduced, together with other local and international stakeholders, who are carrying out similar and complementary initiatives such as: The European Commission (ECHO), UNDP, Swiss Development Cooperation, etc. The information is exchanged with these in such a way that there are no coincidences, and it is also used to identify the effects and uses of synergy.

Our projects do not build new structures, but work through open and existing structures, local and non-governmental, whose capacities are strengthened. Therefore, after the funding period, the objectives and results will be realized under the responsibility of the local partners. At the same time, our projects have a strong participatory character and a local reference, which after the funding period promotes exit, accountability and sustainability.

