Juan Munguía

DRR, Logistics and Security Officer

Juan completed specializations in "International Humanitarian Logistics in Emergencies" (Toluca, Mexico), "Informazione e formazione per volontari RITs" (Bormio, Legnano, Italy) and "Regional Intervention Teams" (RIT - Unidad Panamericana de Respuesta a Desastres, Panama).

He is currently studying "International Business Administration" (International University for the Integration of Latin America) and "Master in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid" (Humanitarian Aid Studies Centre).

Juan has been working at ASB since 2012, currently holding the position of DRR, Logistics and Security Officer for Latin America.

He has extensive experience in disaster risk reduction through his work with the International Federation of the Red Cross as Delegate Liaison Operation Cholera Earthquake Haiti, as well as Delegate of the Logistics Platform Dominican Republic Earthquake Haiti. Additionally, he was part of the Regional Teams of the Health Logistics Intervention El Salvador and the Peru Earthquake Logistics Intervention and worked as project coordinator for the Nicaraguan Red Cross.

