Las personas con discapacidad en el centro de la gestión del riesgo de catástrofes humanitarias

Las personas con discapacidad en el centro de la gestión del riesgo de catástrofes humanitarias


Land/Region Department Municipality
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The global program focuses on strengthening the capacities of key governmental and non-governmental humanitarian aid and disaster risk reduction actors at the global and national levels, as well as organizations of people with disabilities in particularly disaster-prone countries, such as Nicaragua.


  • Christoffel-Blindenmission e.V. (CBM)
  • Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. (MI)
  • Centre for Disability in Development (CDD)
  • International Disability Alliance (IDA)


  • Implement inclusive disaster preparedness and humanitarian assistance at the local level
  • Generating disaggregated data
  • Lobbying for the operationalization of inclusive disaster risk reduction and humanitarian aid at the global level