Implementación del Marco de Sendai en América Central: Promoción de un enfoque transnacional para fortalecer la inclusión en la preparación ante desastres a nivel regional, nacional y local (Primera fase)

Implementación del Marco de Sendai en América Central: Promoción de un enfoque transnacional para fortalecer la inclusión en la preparación ante desastres a nivel regional, nacional y local (Primera fase)

Map of the areas of intervention:

Consortium of German NGOs:

Local partners:
• Nicaragua: FECONORI
• El Salvador: CORDES
• Honduras: CUSO, PREPACE
• Guatemala: ACOPEDIS, ASORO

Intervention logic:

Contribute to disaster risk reduction for persons with disabilities by systematically integrating inclusion into humanitarian action and implementing key international guidance.

Overall Outcome:
Persons with disabilities and their organizations increase their resilience with the establishment and implementation of guidance on inclusion of persons with disabilities in DRR by the national risk management systems of Central American countries, in accordance with the Sendai Framework and the Central American Disaster Management Policy (PCGIR).


  • Outcome 1:
    Families, communities and municipalities increase resilience to disaster risks through replicable risk management measures with the active participation of persons with disabilities.
  • Outcome 2:
    Organizations of persons with disabilities, national risk management systems and other key stakeholders jointly apply good inclusive risk management practices (DiDRR).
  • Outcome 3:
    The interests, experiences and proposals of persons with disabilities are integrated into national and regional disaster risk management processes, strategies and policies.

Value-added elements of the project:
• Multi-level (local, national and regional)
• Multi-stakeholder (organizations of persons with disabilities from civil society and authorities)
• Strong participatory character (participatory monitoring elements) and local reference
• Inclusive Approach (Active inclusion of people with disabilities)