Food security for populations affected by climate change in Central America

Map of the areas of intervention:
Contribute to the Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security of Vulnerable Smallholder Families in the Central American Dry Corridor, affected by Climate Change
General Outcome:
Vulnerable smallholder farming families in the Central American dry corridor increase their resilience to drought through better risk management at regional, national and local levels.
- Cluster #1:
Capacity building at the local level based on replicable experiences - Cluster #2:
Implementation of Early Warning Systems (EWS) at the local level - Cluster #3:
The capacities of national and regional DRR and FNS institutions to adequately manage drought situations have been strengthened. - Cluster #4:
Civil society organisations and networks influence DRR, FS and resilience at local, national and regional levels based on evidence and replicable experiences.
Enfoques de valor añadido del Proyecto:
- Multi-level (local, national and regional)
- Multi-sectoral (capacity building, early warning systems)
- Multi-stakeholder (civil society and authorities)
- Strong participatory and local reference character
- Pilot character and multiplying effect
- Inclusive Approach (Active inclusion of people with disabilities)
- Gender approach
- Approach to conservation and protection of the environment