Humanitarian Inclusion Standards for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities (Spanish)

Normas humanitarias de inclusión para personas mayores y personas con discapacidad
23 Apr 2019

Under the Age and Disability Capacity Programme (ADCAP), led by HelpAge International, the Humanitarian Inclusion Standards for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities (Spanish). A document that brings together nine key inclusion standards, from learning and resource management to identification and resilience.

In addition, the publication presents seven sector-specific standards, including nutrition, housing and education; each with key actions, guidance, tools and resources, and case studies illustrating how older people and people with disabilities have been included in humanitarian responses.

The use of the Humanitarian Inclusion Standards for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities (Spanish) helps to identify and successfully reach those most at risk during a humanitarian crisis. The document was translated into Spanish by the ASB and can be downloaded here.