Minimum standards for the inclusion of persons with disabilities and older adults in emergencies and disasters. Adaptation for Central America (Spanish)

Normas mínimas para la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad y adultas mayores en las emergencias y los desastres. Adaptación para Centroamérica
09 Oct 2017

The Minimum Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action are being developed as part of the Ageing and Disability Capacity Building (ADCAP) programme linked to the Sphere project. In Central America, while the draft of these minimum standards is being validated at the global level, a more summarized version is being presented, also taking into account the structure and content of the Standards for the inclusion, protection and care of persons with disabilities in emergencies and disasters, approved by the Council of Representatives of CEPREDENAC. The rules and actions are accompanied by good practices.