03 Aug 2017

DRR in the event of flooding: COPECO and ASB join forces to reduce disaster risks, Honduras

The Permanent Commission for Contingencies in Honduras (COPECO) and ASB have signed a partnership agreement within the framework of the project "Flood risk reduction for vulnerable populations in Honduras and El Salvador", which has the financial support of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (Info).

20 Apr 2017

Inclusion saves lives! - Fire

We continue with our "Inclusion Saves Lives" campaign, with this second video looking at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Management to be held May 22-26, 2017 in Cancun, Mexico.

07 Mar 2017

Inclusion saves lives! - Earthquake

We started our campaign "Inclusion Saves Lives" in the framework of the 5th Regional Platform of the Americas for Disaster Risk Management to be held from 7 to 9 March 2017 in Montreal, Canada.

02 Jul 2016

ASB helps with the drought in Guatemala

A one-minute video that shows how isolated Conacaste is, a small village in the mountains of the Municipality of Jocotán, Guatemala, whose population has been heavily affected by the droughts of recent years. With the financial support of the German government and together with our local partner ASORECH, ASB has reached out to help.

01 Jul 2016

Fighting Acute Malnutrition in Children in Guatemala

Video de dos minutos de duración, que muestra la realidad que vive el Centro de Recuperación Nutricional de Jocotán, Guatemala, y la ayuda que ha brindado ASB a este centro.

24 Jan 2015

We at ASB