Taller para inclusión de personas con discapacidad y adultos mayores en RRD en países CA4 Taller de inclusión Taller de inclusión
07 Oct 2016

Launch of the project "Inclusion of People with Disabilities and older adults in Disaster Risk Reduction in Central America".

During 4, 5 and 6 October 2016 the Regional Induction and Planning Workshop was held, which initiated the project financed by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

During the 4, 5 and 6 October 2016, the Regional Workshop on Induction and Planning was held in San Salvador, which initiated the project "Inclusion of People with Disabilities and the Older Adults in Disaster Risk Reduction in Central America", financed by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, which aims to raise awareness and promote institutional and social progress on the subject.

A total of 32 persons from the 9 organizations involved in the project participated in this important event: ASB, FECONORI and RENICC (Nicaragua), CORDES and Fundación Sendas (El Salvador), Asociación Nacional de Ciegos and Aj Quen (Guatemala), FENOPDIH and Red Comal (Honduras). Four of these are organizations of people with disabilities and four are organizations focused on the inclusion of older adults. The workshop enabled participants to become familiar with the conceptual framework and working approaches to inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction and to agree on the main lines of action that will guide the implementation and justification of project activities.

The first day of the workshop started with the presentation of participants and organizations and induction on five major topics: basic concepts of disaster risk reduction, disability, older adults, inclusion of people with disabilities and older adults in risk reduction. Days 2 and 3 of the meeting were dedicated to the socialization and planning of the project, which implied sharing evaluations and doubts from the action plan per country given to each participant. Finally, on the last day some basic agreements were reached, on general aspects of the project and on administrative-financial and communication issues.