People with Disabilities Make Their Voices Heard at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
From May 22-26, the UNISDR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction was held in Cancun, Mexico, with the participation of more than 5,000 people.
The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction organized by the UNISDR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) and sponsored by the Government of Mexico, is the main forum at the global level for coordination, exchange of experiences and synergies, and above all, review of the implementation of international instruments on Disaster Risk Reduction.
This year the platform was held from May 22-26 in Cancun, Mexico, with the participation of more than 5 thousand people, including key government actors, both national and local, from civil society and the private sector. The main characteristic of this forum is that it facilitates dialogue between stakeholders.
This was the first opportunity for the international community to review global progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, adopted in Japan in 2015, which includes for the first time the theme "Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction"..
Our role on the platform
Within the framework of this global event, ASB, together with its strategic partners, carried out a communication campaign with the aim of raising awareness among key actors present about the imperative need to include people with disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction.
"It is necessary and a priority that people with disabilities and older adults in Disaster Risk Reduction are included as necessary protagonists in the same conversation" says David López, President of the Association of the Blind of Nicaragua.
All of us
The "All of Us" campaign claim was used to refer to the Key Disability Stakeholders Group, accompanied by the slogan "for Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction".
"All of Us" includes women, men, with or without disabilities, of any ethnicity or religion, working towards the inclusion of people with disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction. The impact on other campaigns was enhanced, because our delegation was made up of many disability organizations and networks, with the same objective and concept: to raise awareness among forum participants of the imperative need for inclusiveDisaster Risk Management, with a positive approach.