Nicaragua has now a Guide for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the DRR
The guide, whose development has been led by the Nicaraguan Federation of Associations of People with Disabilities (FECONORI), was presented publicly on June 28, 2016.
As a culmination of the project "Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction in Central America", implemented by the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) in 2015 and 2016, with the financial support of the Swiss Cooperation in Central America (COSUDE) and ASB's own funds, the following guide was presented to authorities and key actors: "Guide to Raise Awareness and Train Communities in the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)"
The guide, whose development has been conducted by the Nicaraguan Federation of Associations of People with Disabilities (FECONORI), was presented publicly on June 28, 2016. The presentation was well attended by more than 100 people and different local media. The printed guides were distributed at the event by ASB/FECONORI to the National Coordinator of the Cabinet of the Citizen Power of People with Disabilities, who in return made symbolic deliveries of these guides to institutions present in the location that will be key to their dissemination and implementation: to the Co-Direction of SINAPRED, the Office of the Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights, the Red Cross and the various federations that make up the Cabinet. An audio digital version of the guide was also provided to the organizations of the blind in Nicaragua.
"This guide is an important step in promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in disaster risk reduction in Nicaragua," says Alberto Gómez, Coordinator of ASB's Regional Inclusion Program, and adds: "The challenge is now to put this guide into practice in conjunction with SINAPRED, the Cabinet and organizations of people with disabilities in Nicaragua.
The event also featured songs and dances performed by organizations of persons with disabilities and directions for assisting institutions and organizations to promote inclusion and risk reduction using the materials in the guide.