Systematization of project experiences: Inclusion of people with disabilities and older adults in disaster risk reduction in CA (Spanish)

Sistematización de experiencias del proyecto: Inclusión de personas con discapacidad y adultos mayores en la gestión del riesgo de desastres en CA
01 Oct 2019

This document gathers twelve experiences that were part of the products of the regional project, which allows the sharing of the process and the main lessons learned among the various actors, groups and individuals who were involved in each of the actions implemented by the project in the four countries. In each of the experiences, background information is identified, as well as a description of the experience, its impact, relevance, challenges for sustainability and the replication character that it may have for other actors in order to advance the strategic objectives of these sectors in inclusive risk management. In this way, this document and its systematized experiences are intended to influence or contribute to the continued motivation of exchange with other local, national and international actors interested in inclusion and the generation of change.