Inclusion processes and experiences
New Central American guide on inclusion of persons with disabilities in risk reduction was presented to ministers in Central American forum
New Central American guide on inclusion of persons with disabilities in risk reduction was presented to ministers in Central American forum
For ASB, the GPDRR provides an opportunity to engage in an exchange with international decision-makers in the field of disaster risk reduction and to present ASB's approaches, for example with regard to the identification and empowerment of particularly vulnerable population groups.
The Central American region is extremely vulnerable to climate change-related problems such as droughts and floods. The countries that make up the region are also adversely affected by the impact of the current climate crisis and are disproportionately affected by extreme weather events.
With 80% of the population living in extreme poverty, Waspam has 50 public schools distributed over 9,767 km² of territory, inhabited mainly by the Miskito indigenous group.