Drought EWS protocol update
The purpose of the activity was to strengthen SINAGER and COPECO by reviewing and updating the "National EWS-Drought and FNS Protocol".
Drought EWS protocol update workshop
As part of the project: "Food security for populations affected by climate change in Central America", a workshop was held on October 18 and 19, 2022 at the facilities of COPECO - Honduras, specifically at its central office in Tegucigalpa.
The purpose of the activity was to strengthen SINAGER and COPECO by reviewing and updating the "National EWS-Drought and FNS Protocol". This process involves the construction of a guide to facilitate the incorporation of the topic in drought plans, considering as a fundamental element the participation and inter-institutional contributions of the participants.
As part of the workshop, the following activities were on the agenda:
- Socialization, review and analysis of the proposal to update the "Protocol of the National Early Warning System for Food and Nutritional Security" to provide attention to drought in the Dry Corridor of Honduras.
- Proposal of indicators and variables with early warning thresholds for meteorological, agricultural and socioeconomic droughts.
- Actualización de indicadores y umbrales de Sistema de Alerta Temprana a Inseguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional.
- Actualización de procedimientos operativos estándar ante sequias a nivel nacional y modelo estándar a nivel municipal.
Among the key stakeholders participating were members of the National Risk Management System (SINAGER) of Honduras, Permanent Contingency Commission (COPECO), Technical Unit for Food and Nutritional Security of Honduras (UTSAN), Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock of Honduras (SAG), National Advocacy Table for Risk Management of Honduras (MNGIR), World Food Program (WFP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), General Directorate of Civil Protection, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DGPC-El Salvador), Asociación Fundación para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Comunal de El Salvador (CORDES), German Red Cross, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH).