Let's spread something... something positive.
Let’s ask ourselves, what can we spread from our personal, local and organizational perspective?
With the new reality of the Covid-19 pandemic, our news and social media feeds have been flooded by negative news. The central focus of all posts seems to be about Covid-19, the symptoms, casualties and rapid spread all around the world. While this information is relevant for our protection and the protection of others, the high density of information provided can make us feel overwhelmed. What happens when we have too much information about a topic in our heads?
Just mentioning the word "Coronavirus" or "COVID-19", creates negative associations and emotions, since the consequences of the disease have been devastating. This, in turn, generates adverse reactions to any kind of information on the subject.
Spread Kindness
With the intention to emphasize the need for affective behavior and social bonds, we decided to change the negative connotation of the word “spreading”, which is currently directly associated with COVID-19. However, spreading something can be a good act, if the concept to be spread is includes motivational and positive values of society.
That is where our campaign comes in, let's spread something... something positive.
Ahí es donde nuestra campaña entra en juego, vamos a contagiar algo… algo positivo.
Let’s ask ourselves, what can we spread from our personal, local and organizational perspective?
Smiles, Kindness, Empathy, respect, solidarity, generosity, compassion, appreciation…