Guía para la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en el ámbito de la gestión integral del riesgo de desastres a nivel municipal, comunitario y familiar en Centroamérica
19 May 2022

Guide for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the field of integrated disaster risk management at the municipal, community and family level in Central America

Disasters do not affect all people equally; they reveal existing inequalities in society, as they have different impacts associated with the fact of being a woman or a man, belonging to a certain ethnic group, area of residence, socioeconomic class, or disability status (PAHO, n/d). In the particular case of persons with disabilities, they face greater risks and are disproportionately affected by disasters due to the different barriers they face in accessing humanitarian response services and acting in an informed manner (IASC, ECHO, Sphere).

Recursos y publicaciones sobre gestión inclusiva del riesgo y discapacidad – versión 2022
18 May 2022

Resources and publications on inclusive risk and disability management - 2022 version

In recent years, several organizations and institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean have begun to give the necessary importance to the dialogue between disability and disasters. As a result of this concern, various resources and publications have been produced in Spanish over the last decade to promote inclusive disaster risk management. Below is a list of the publications that have been produced in Spanish in the region by members of the GIRDDD LAC network.

You can download the accessible version (Word) of the catalog here:

Resultados de un estudio de investigación en África, Asia, América del Sur y América Central – Inclusión de las Personas con Discapacidad en la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres
13 May 2022

Results of a Research Study in Africa, Asia, South and Central America - Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction

Study overview

In 2021, a consortium consisting of Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB), the Center for Disability in Development (CDD), Christoffel Blindenmission e. V. (CBM), the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and Malteser International (MI) commissioned a study on inclusive disaster risk reduction policies and practices in eight countries in Africa, Asia and South and Central America. The study describes progress, challenges and good practices in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and includes recommendations on how to make disaster risk reduction more disability-friendly.

Inclusión de las Personas con Discapacidad en la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres: Un estudio de investigación en Ocho Países de África, Asia, América del Sur y América Central
13 May 2022

Results of a Research Study in Africa, Asia, South and Central America - Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction

This report entitled Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction describes the progress, gaps and good practices identified in disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) policies and practices in eight countries assessed. The report also provides a brief regional analysis, and concludes with recommendations for disability-inclusive DRR projects.

Plan incidencia Regional 2021
10 Mar 2022

Regional Advocacy Plan 2021

This document has been elaborated with the purpose of designing a Regional Advocacy Plan, through civil society, to position the attention to drought, food and nutritional security and resilience of vulnerable families in the Central American Dry Corridor, and has been designed based on the implementation of a participatory advocacy methodology oriented towards civil society organizations working in drought risk management in the Central American Dry Corridor.

This Advocacy Plan has the objective of influencing -from the social organizations in the territories- the decision process within the framework of the Program: Food Security for the populations affected by climate change in Central America 2019-2022, to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants highly affected by food shortages and drought in the Dry Corridor.

Guía metodológica para diseñar un Plan de Incidencia Regional 2021
10 Mar 2022

Methodological guide for the design of a Regional Advocacy Plan 2021

This document is a Methodological Guide elaborated with the purpose of designing a Regional Advocacy Plan 2021, from the civil society, to position the attention to drought, food and nutritional security and resilience of vulnerable families in the Central American Dry Corridor, and has been designed based on the implementation of a participatory advocacy methodology oriented towards civil society organizations working in drought risk management in the Central American Dry Corridor.

Plan incidencia Regional El Salvador 2021
10 Mar 2022

Advocacy Plan for El Salvador - 2021

This document has been elaborated with the purpose of designing a Advocacy Plan for El Salvador - 2021, from the civil society, to position the attention to drought, food and nutritional security and resilience of vulnerable families in the Central American Dry Corridor, and has been designed based on the implementation of a participatory advocacy methodology oriented towards civil society organizations working in drought risk management in the Central American Dry Corridor.

Plan incidencia Regional Guatemala 2021
10 Mar 2022

Advocacy Plan for Guatemala - 2021

This document has been elaborated with the purpose of designing a Plan de Incidencia en Guatemala, from the civil society, to position the attention to drought, food and nutritional security and resilience of vulnerable families in the Central American Dry Corridor, and has been designed based on the implementation of a participatory advocacy methodology oriented towards civil society organizations working in drought risk management in the Central American Dry Corridor.

Plan incidencia Regional Honduras 2021
10 Mar 2022

Advocacy Plan for Honduras - 2021

This document has been prepared with the purpose of designing an Advocacy Plan for Honduras - 2021, from the civil society, to position the attention to drought, food and nutritional security and resilience of vulnerable families in the Central American dry corridor and has been designed based on the implementation of a participatory advocacy methodology oriented towards civil society organizations working in drought risk management.

RED GIRDD – Catálogo de Publicaciones
01 Nov 2021

GIRDDD NETWORK - Publications Catalog

In recent years, several organizations and institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean have begun to give the necessary importance to the dialogue between disability and disasters. As a result of this concern, various resources and publications have been produced in Spanish over the last decade to promote inclusive disaster risk management. Below is a list of the publications that have been produced in Spanish in the region by members of the GIRDDD LAC network.