Inclusion processes and experiences
New Central American guide on inclusion of persons with disabilities in risk reduction was presented to ministers in Central American forum
New Central American guide on inclusion of persons with disabilities in risk reduction was presented to ministers in Central American forum
In order to attract neighbors to know and buy the products that were for sale made by the entrepreneurs, a race called: Carrera Ch´orti´ 10K with the slogan: "Hey! This country is yours!" was held.
For ASB, the GPDRR provides an opportunity to engage in an exchange with international decision-makers in the field of disaster risk reduction and to present ASB's approaches, for example with regard to the identification and empowerment of particularly vulnerable population groups.
The Chortí culture is an indigenous group that inhabits the territory of what today belongs to Honduras and Guatemala. They are considered descendants of the Maya, more closely related to the Maya of Yucatan, Belize and northern Guatemala. And relatives of the Choles who inhabit Chiapas, Mexico.
1.5 million to contributing to the sustainable food and nutrition security of vulnerable smallholder families in the Central American Dry Corridor, who are affected by climate change.