Contar experiencias en vídeo
16 Aug 2023

Contar experiencias en vídeo

Personas con discapacidades cuentan sus vivencias y los retos que enfrentan a fin de contribuir a fortalecer la inclusión en la preparación y respuesta ante desastres

Ocotepeque, alta costura y moda
01 Dec 2022

Ocotepeque, alta costura y moda

El proyecto SOL brinda formaciones gratuitas a población de comunidades aledañas a Ocotepeque, Honduras, con el fin de contribuir a la inserción laboral y al desarrollo económico y social del municipio.

Actualización de Protocolo SAT sequía
19 Oct 2022

Drought EWS protocol update

The purpose of the activity was to strengthen SINAGER and COPECO by reviewing and updating the "National EWS-Drought and FNS Protocol".

Sensibilización sobre la movilidad humana
07 Oct 2022

Awareness raising on human mobility

The aim of this activity was to sensitize and strengthen the capacities of the personnel of the health workers of the Department of Chiquimula, who work near the borders, on Human Mobility and Human Trafficking.

Género y monitoreo participativo
01 Oct 2022

Gender and participatory monitoring

Through this activity, which took place on September 28, 29 and 30, the gender equity approach was promoted in order to establish relationships based on respect, equality and equity.