Buenas prácticas sobre inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad
17 Nov 2020

Good practices on inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workforce (Spanish)

This publication presents several interesting experiences on workplace inclusion of persons with disabilities. First, it presents the legal and regulatory framework on the subject in the Central American CA-4 countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua), although the good practices described are developed mainly in the latter two countries. It also describes the strategy of one of the leading companies in this area in the Central American region (Walmart) and the experience of Gureak (Basque Country, Spain), which was presented to key stakeholders in Honduras and Nicaragua as part of an activity of this EU-funded project.

El enfoque de género en asociaciones de personas con discapacidad (Miskito)
17 Nov 2020

Drought 2018: Impact and Needs Assessment in the Central American Dry Corridor (German)

This handbook, which includes basic concepts on the gender approach (first part), aims to guide organizations of persons with disabilities in the establishment of instruments to improve gender equality and the participation of women in the actions of the organizations (second part). The translation of this handbook into Miskito is another step towards the inclusion of those who use this language as their mother tongue in Nicaragua and Honduras. This handbook is also available in Spanish here on the ASB website.

Guía práctica Sistemas de Alerta Temprana Inclusivos ante Inundaciones (SATI)
10 Sep 2020

Practical handbook Inclusive Flood Early Warning Systems (IFWS) (Spanish)

The interrelation between actors is of vital importance in the issue of risk management in the event of floods, thus the flood early warning system is one of the main elements, as it effectively contributes to prevent the loss of lives and reduce the economic and material impact on vulnerable populations affected by this type of event.

Manual de Primeros Auxilios
10 Sep 2020

First Aid Handbook (Spanish)

The first aid manual is one of the booklets in the series "Learning to manage disaster risks in my community", whose objective is to strengthen local capacities in the communities of the Jiquilisco Bay and Jaltepeque estuary hydrographic zone, to face and overcome different extreme events that generate disasters
with a focus on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and older adults.

Manual «Marco legal, Organización y funcionamiento de las Comisiones Comunales de Protección Civil»
10 Sep 2020

Handbook "Legal Framework, Organization and Functioning of Community Civil Protection Commissions". (Spanish)

Organization and functioning of the Community Civil Protection Commissions is the first topic of the series "Learning to manage disaster risks in my community", whose objective is to strengthen local capacities of communities to face and overcome different extreme events that generate disasters with a focus on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and older adults.

Manual sobre Albergues Temporales
10 Sep 2020

Handbook on Temporary Shelters (Spanish)

"Implementation and Administration of Inclusive Shelters" is the third topic of the series "Learning to manage disaster risks in my community", whose objective is to strengthen local capacities of communities to face and overcome different extreme events that generate disasters with a focus on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and older adults.

El enfoque de género en asociaciones de personas con discapacidad
12 Dec 2019

The gender approach in organizations of people with disabilities (Spanish)

This guide contains basic aspects on the gender approach (first part), in a clear and understandable way, so that it can be useful to organizations of people with disabilities. In this context, it aims to guide organizations of people with disabilities with the establishment of instruments that allow for the improvement of gender equity and women's participation within the organizations' actions (second part).

Guía para la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en la gestión del riesgo ante inundaciones
11 Dec 2019

Guía para la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en la gestión del riesgo ante inundaciones

«La inclusión es un estilo de interacción esencial para equipos y organizaciones eficaces.»

El enfoque inclusivo tiene como fin reducir los riesgos que afectan de manera desproporcionada a las poblaciones en situación de vulnerabilidad, particularmente a las personas con discapacidad quienes tienen mayores tasas de mortalidad, morbilidad y afectación en situaciones de desastres. Por todo esto, se debe trabajar por la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad y sus familiar en la gestión del riesgo de desastres y con mayor énfasis en la preparación para la respuesta a emergencias y desastres. Este manual ayudará a las personas a conocer recomendaciones básicas para la inclusión ante cualquier desastre que se pueda presentar.